I know haven't updated this in a while, oops. I wish I could say I've been super busy but, alas, I've just been lazy.
I was thinking the other day about how I chose to do PR at University. A customer at the place I work prompted me this question, and to be honest, I have no idea. I remember reading about the course in the University hand guide and thinking 'Yeah, sounds okay' but I wasn't enthused by it.
I wanted to study Events Management to begin with. I was sure that this was the right path for me to take but something always felt wrong. I wasn't sure what it was but I had this nagging feeling in the back of brain telling me that I shouldn't be doing this. In all seriousness, my media teacher and form tutor brought the PR world to my attention.
I was always known for being obsessed with Z list celebrities, going as far as stalking those said celebrities just to get a blurry picture that sort of resembled them(I try to forget about those days)(lol). The world of media was something I was definitely interested in, I just didn't know what aspect of it. I remember my teacher always saying to me that I would be good at 'spinning' the media to my agenda, as I normally did in class (HA). I guess this is what set the ball rolling.
I'm so glad I chose to study PR. I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I applied for the course but what I've learnt and experienced so far has been really intriguing. The psychology side of the course has by far been my favourite part. I've also developed skills I didn't think I had. Doing this course has really opened up my eyes to a new side of this 'world'. I know, thats soooooo cliché, but it's true.
I'm really enjoying my university life and I feel that is down to the course I am doing which has introduced me to amazing friends and incredible experiences. Public Relations is such a huge, diverse world and I'm only just entering it. If you are deciding what to do at University but not sure what pathway to take, be spontaneous. I had no idea what PR was before I came to university. People would ask me what PR is and I would laugh along with them when I say 'I don't even know'. I'm still not even sure now, 6 months into the course, but it's been one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I'm very happy where I am.
Katy x
P.s. Although, If I have one more person tell me that PR is either 'party planning' or say 'oh, so your doing fancy advertising?', I may have to knock some sense into them.
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